Defense of Criminal Felony/MISD

Defense of Criminal Felony / MISD

If you are facing felony or misdemeanor charges, you may be looking for answers to the following questions:

  1. Does the officer need probable cause before he stops me?
  2. Why didn't the officer read me my rights?
  3. Does the officer have to let me consult with my attorney prior to talking with me?
  4. What Class is this charge and what are the possible penalties for these offenses?
  5. Am I eligible for probation?
  6. Do I have the right to a Jury Trial?
  7. Should I go to Trial or enter into negotiations with the prosecutor?
  8. When do I bring my witnesses to Court?
  9. Am I facing prison time? County Jail time?
  10. Am I going to have a criminal record as a result of these charges?
  11. How long will it take to resolve this matter?
  12. Am I allowed to read the police officer's reports?
  13. What happens to the bond I posted?
  14. What happens at my scheduled Court dates?
  15. Can this record of arrest eventually be expunged?
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